Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Little Ones

Here's my latest. I love sunflowers. I asked the teacher if using fake flowers was okay. I got a polite smile and a "no."
I went to a LARGE store called Joyful Honda. They had roosters in their pet section! After some deliberation, I bought 6 guppies instead. Marie, Tokio, Erik and I each get to name one. That leaves two fish as replacements (good to be thinking ahead right?). It's been 4 days and no untimely deaths, so far so good. If you can come up with good names for the replacements let me know.

Off to ikebana class again. I wanted to return the vase and frog (sharp spiky thing that holds the flowers) to the teacher, so I took the flowers out and put them in a teacup. Hope no ikebana experts will roll over in their graves. I'll show her this photo tonight and see what she says.


Unknown said...

Yea! You mean I'm finally an auntie??? Woohoo!! Are they behaving? You could just name #5 and #6... I'd have to see what they look like to name them.. hmmm... how about "#5" and "#6" ?? Well, anyway, give me a call if you need a babysitter! Love you!

Unknown said...

So what are the names of the first four? Any themes going? -Don